Monday, July 15, 2013

Mornings with Mary: Faith

Dearest Mother Mary,
I desire faith,

faith as deep as the one
my kitty Jax has in me.
As neatly tied up
and ever available
as I picture yours was
when the angel Gabriel
announced your role
in the birth of Our Lord.
Help me to have the vision
of the path that leads
to your Son
with clarity and steadfast faith.

more Mornings with Mary


  1. Really nice prayer. I wish for the same. Cute Jax in the box. Does he sleep in your dresser drawer?

    1. thank you, Judie. I had walked off to do something before going back to the drawer, and there he was. of course, I had to take a picture!

  2. Lovely image of your kitty and marker of 'faith'.x

  3. dear nonnie,
    i love that we have all found mary in the arms of nature, mothering and comfort. i love too that you have a Jax, we have a Jackson! thank you for being a bright and welcome presence in our shared mondays. holding you in the arms of love and thanking you for the same

  4. So beautiful and heart-felt and your little friend at the heart of it all.

  5. Beautiful prayer. Hello, kitty ♥

  6. I missed this week. I just love your symbolism of having the faith of a kitten - it reminds of the Bible text of the faith of a sparrow!

  7. Lovely. Your cat certainly does look quite cozy!


Bless you for your comments.